13 Blogging Tips for Research Groups

Keeping an up to date blog is important as it’s the primary way of getting a message out to the public in an effective and accessible way.  Blogs can be shared across the internet and posts on blogs can be used to engage with your audience.

As research groups, we want to show the research activity that goes on in groups and to encourage engagement with our research.  This can be done in the form of a blog which is presented as ‘News’ on the group’s website giving a professional context to why the blog exists.

The posts in your blog will be listed at the side of each page on the website to be accessed easily and can be fed to other web pages across the internet, if suitable (on corporate, university web pages, on a personal website etc.).

Blog posts need to be interesting and full of useful information but also easy to read.  Below are some tips to help make the most of your research group’s blog:

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Merging RSS Feeds: Yahoo Pipes

You should see, on the right of this page, a ‘Latest College Research News’ box which collates and prints the latest blog posts from all the College of Social Science research units.  It means that you, viewers of this blog, can see, at a glance, what is going on across the College in terms of research, without having to search and explore each individual site.

The tool that has helped me do this is the very clever and quite pretty Yahoo Pipes.

Yahoo Pipes

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Community & Health Research Group: a Good Start

In the next 6 weeks, it is hoped there will be a research site ready as a pilot to see how the project is going as a whole, get feedback and prove as a good example to follow.  Some of the research groups in the College of Social Science have already started blogging and are doing a good job of it.  One of those is the Community & Health Research Group.

Community and Health Research Group Blog Homepage

Continue reading “Community & Health Research Group: a Good Start”